If this doesn’t get you excited, than nothing will! Car auctions are a fantastic way to save money on a car. There are a lot of ways to save money on a car that don’t include insurance fraud or outright theft. Buying a new car can certainly seem like a smart decision if you can save some dollars, however car auctions are where the pros get their cars. They can generally be found in all states and happen at least once a month. The trick to buying a car is to buy it at wholesale (like a used car dealer would). Just like all auctions, there are deals to be found through just a little extra leg work.
Here are 2 tips to help you in you car auction quest
- Use the internet to your advantage. Online resources can be a great help to people who are looking to attend their first car auction. Google the term “car auction KY” or “car auction MI to look for local car auctions in your state. Also, if you live in a small state (like a state in the northeast), make sure and look for car auction locations in nearby states. For example, if you live in Eastern Pennsylvania, you might want to try looking for “car auctions NJ” or “car auctions NY.” Often times, depending on where you live, a car auction might be happening in a nearby location that’s just over the state line.
Posted under Uncategorized, Vehicle Auction
This post was written by admin on June 23, 2016